News & Notes

Welcome to our News & Notes blog!
Here you can find all the latest updates on what's happening at Community Church Oshkosh.
Here you can find all the latest updates on what's happening at Community Church Oshkosh.
Bless a Family gifts are DUE BACK THIS SUNDAY, December 8th! If you picked up a tag from the tree, please return your gift to church THIS SUNDAY!
MEN! Do you have a passion for fishing & the outdoors? There is still a chance to join us join us for Angling for Answers this Friday, December 6th as we host Hall of Fame fisherman & TV personality, Al Lindner, from the hit show Angling Edge & Host of Larry Smith Outdoors television show, Larry Smith! Invite a friend and join us for the exciting night. Sign up today on the CCO Events page.
In anticipation for a BUSY PARKING LOT on Christmas Eve we would love to try organizing the flow of traffic. Over the next couple of weeks, we are asking that you use the driveway with the mailbox as the entrance and the main driveway as the exit. We are hoping this flow of traffic will allow people an easier experience in navigating parking spots. We appreciate your flexibility as we give this a shot together!
Join us for Christmas Eve! Services are at 2:00 | 3:30 | 5:00pm
Nursery will be available for children newborn - 2 years old at the 2:00 & 3:30 services. Activity bags will be available for kids at all 3 services.
MEN! Do you have a passion for fishing & the outdoors? There is still a chance to join us join us for Angling for Answers this Friday, December 6th as we host Hall of Fame fisherman & TV personality, Al Lindner, from the hit show Angling Edge & Host of Larry Smith Outdoors television show, Larry Smith! Invite a friend and join us for the exciting night. Sign up today on the CCO Events page.
In anticipation for a BUSY PARKING LOT on Christmas Eve we would love to try organizing the flow of traffic. Over the next couple of weeks, we are asking that you use the driveway with the mailbox as the entrance and the main driveway as the exit. We are hoping this flow of traffic will allow people an easier experience in navigating parking spots. We appreciate your flexibility as we give this a shot together!
Join us for Christmas Eve! Services are at 2:00 | 3:30 | 5:00pm
Nursery will be available for children newborn - 2 years old at the 2:00 & 3:30 services. Activity bags will be available for kids at all 3 services.
We want to be a church that continues to serve and be on mission. 92g0 provides opportunities to continue to live on mission on our area. Our area code is 920, let's go out and reach the people in our area by serving them. You will find opportunities listed on the CCO Events page, select 92g0.
Winter Relief Drive is collecting Coats (all sizes - new or very lightly used), hats & gloves (warm work gloves), hand warmers, new warm socks, and new blankets. All items can be dropped off in the CCO lobby between now and December 15th. These items will benefit out local community.
Winter Relief Drive is collecting Coats (all sizes - new or very lightly used), hats & gloves (warm work gloves), hand warmers, new warm socks, and new blankets. All items can be dropped off in the CCO lobby between now and December 15th. These items will benefit out local community.
Seniors' Community Group
A new Community Group for seniors that will be starting in January. Join us beginning January 15th on the 1st & 3rd Wednesday from 10-11:30am. We will be going through the study Power in the Name of Jesus by Jennifer Kennedy Dean. Discover the powerful and life-changing meaning behind Jesus’ “I AM” statements in the Gospel of John. Through this eight-week interactive study, learn how to live in the authority and power of the name above all names.
AfterParty! Christmas Dinner Party
Join us Friday, December 20th 5:00-9:00pm at Community Church Oshkosh for our Christmas Party. Come and enjoy dinner together, play Live Clue, and be part of a $10 gift exchange. Register today on the CCO events page at
AfterParty! is for those 25ish-40 years old, married or single.
Celebrate Recovery meets Friday evenings from 6-8pm at St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church 808 N. Main Street Oshkosh. Come find freedom from your hurts, habits, and hangups and live the life God desires for you to live. CLICK HERE for additional information.
A new Community Group for seniors that will be starting in January. Join us beginning January 15th on the 1st & 3rd Wednesday from 10-11:30am. We will be going through the study Power in the Name of Jesus by Jennifer Kennedy Dean. Discover the powerful and life-changing meaning behind Jesus’ “I AM” statements in the Gospel of John. Through this eight-week interactive study, learn how to live in the authority and power of the name above all names.
AfterParty! Christmas Dinner Party
Join us Friday, December 20th 5:00-9:00pm at Community Church Oshkosh for our Christmas Party. Come and enjoy dinner together, play Live Clue, and be part of a $10 gift exchange. Register today on the CCO events page at
AfterParty! is for those 25ish-40 years old, married or single.
Celebrate Recovery meets Friday evenings from 6-8pm at St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church 808 N. Main Street Oshkosh. Come find freedom from your hurts, habits, and hangups and live the life God desires for you to live. CLICK HERE for additional information.
Young Adults are invited to join us 1st & 3rd Tuesday from 6-8pm for Bible Study. We also have activities and events planned throughout the month. CLICK HERE for more information. Young Adult Ministry is for adults age 18-28.
This month we are highlighting the ministry of Elliott & Gabi Phillips. They serve with CSM to equip worship leaders and musicians to be disciple makers in the local church in Poland.
Perspectives Class is being offered at Community Church Oshkosh beginning January 6- April 21, 2025. Perspectives is a study program rooted in Scripture, clarifying each believer’s remarkable opportunity to join God in His global purpose. Learn more HERE.
- Sunday, December 8th Special Foundations class at 10am in Community Life Room 4. Come hear from Gabi Phillips on their ministry in Poland.
- Tuesday, December 10th Come enjoy delicious traditional Polish apple pie with ice cream and specialty coffees, and learn about how God is working in Poland! CCO Cafe 6-7:30pm
- Sunday, December 29th Cafe Mission Spotlight 8:30-11am
Enjoy Breakfast Sandwiches. All donations will support the Phillips ministry in Poland.
Perspectives Class is being offered at Community Church Oshkosh beginning January 6- April 21, 2025. Perspectives is a study program rooted in Scripture, clarifying each believer’s remarkable opportunity to join God in His global purpose. Learn more HERE.
Community Kids will be open for Full Programming for children nursery - 5th grade during the 8:30am & 10am services. Community Kids Unlimited (CKU), our special needs children's ministry, will be available at the 8:30am service.
Community Kids Christmas Caroling - Sunday, December 8th
Looking for a fun way to connect with your children and serve your community at the same time? Join Community Kids as we go to Miravida Living (Bethel Homes) to sing Christmas carols and hand out Christmas cards to the residents there. For more information and to sign up go to the CCO Events page.
Community Kids PreSchool Christmas Musical is happening on Saturday, December 14th 1-2pm. Join us as our Community Kid Preschoolers (ages 3-5) retell the Christmas story via song and costume. A Cookie Decorating Reception will follow.
Community Kids Noon Year’s Eve
Join us for a fun Noon Year's Eve Party as we ring in 2025. Families are invited to join us for a Noon Year's Eve Celebration on December 31st at 11am for games, activities, a countdown and balloon drop at noon.
Community Kids Christmas Caroling - Sunday, December 8th
Looking for a fun way to connect with your children and serve your community at the same time? Join Community Kids as we go to Miravida Living (Bethel Homes) to sing Christmas carols and hand out Christmas cards to the residents there. For more information and to sign up go to the CCO Events page.
Community Kids PreSchool Christmas Musical is happening on Saturday, December 14th 1-2pm. Join us as our Community Kid Preschoolers (ages 3-5) retell the Christmas story via song and costume. A Cookie Decorating Reception will follow.
Community Kids Noon Year’s Eve
Join us for a fun Noon Year's Eve Party as we ring in 2025. Families are invited to join us for a Noon Year's Eve Celebration on December 31st at 11am for games, activities, a countdown and balloon drop at noon.
Snow Duels is the CSM Winter Retreat for Middle School and High School students you won't want to miss. Join us February 7-9, 2025. Registration is NOW OPEN. Register by January 10th to receive Early Bird Discount.
CSM will NOT be meeting Wednesday, December 25th & January 1st and Sunday, December 22nd & 29th.
Snow Duels is the CSM Winter Retreat for Middle School and High School students you won't want to miss. Join us February 7-9, 2025. Registration is NOW OPEN. Register by January 10th to receive Early Bird Discount.
CSM will NOT be meeting Wednesday, December 25th & January 1st and Sunday, December 22nd & 29th.
Sunday, December 8, 2024
Worship services are at 8:30am & 10am. Join us this Sunday, as we continue our series ADVENT and look at Peace.
Community Kids will be open for Full Programming for children nursery - 5th grade during the 8:30am & 10am services. Community Kids Unlimited (CKU), our special needs children's ministry, will be available at the 8:30am service.
Here are the songs we will be singing:
Hope Has A Name - Passion
Behold - Phil Wickham
O Come All Ye Faithful (His Name Shall Be) - Passion
O Little Town Of Bethlehem - Elevation Worship
Silent Night - Kim Walker Smith
The cafe will be open this Sunday and serving Biscuits & Gravy. All donations will support Asia Frontier Outreach. There are nearly 7000 Jesus Foot Soldiers serving in evangelism, discipleship, and church-planting in with the underground church in this area. Pastor Lu and Steven will be meeting with the leaders to bring encouragement, leadership training, and find out how we can better serve those ministering in a restricted area. Christmas season.
Community Kids will be open for Full Programming for children nursery - 5th grade during the 8:30am & 10am services. Community Kids Unlimited (CKU), our special needs children's ministry, will be available at the 8:30am service.
Here are the songs we will be singing:
Hope Has A Name - Passion
Behold - Phil Wickham
O Come All Ye Faithful (His Name Shall Be) - Passion
O Little Town Of Bethlehem - Elevation Worship
Silent Night - Kim Walker Smith
The cafe will be open this Sunday and serving Biscuits & Gravy. All donations will support Asia Frontier Outreach. There are nearly 7000 Jesus Foot Soldiers serving in evangelism, discipleship, and church-planting in with the underground church in this area. Pastor Lu and Steven will be meeting with the leaders to bring encouragement, leadership training, and find out how we can better serve those ministering in a restricted area. Christmas season.
Foundations meets on Sunday mornings at 8:30am. For the semester of classes offered, go to
The Bridge (6th - 8th Grade)
Lori Jacobson is teaching a class on the Foundation of Church Life.
Nativity Sets (Community Life 2) NEW THIS WEEK!
We've all seen nativity sets around Christmas time - whether it's a classic representation of the nativity in somebody's lawn or a kid's version at a store. But who are these people, exactly? Why does God choose to declare the birth of the Messiah to a bunch of shepherds? And who or what exactly is a magi? Join us as we explore what the Bible has to say about the birth of Jesus.
Disability & The Church (Community Life 4)
In a culture that has become increasingly accommodating towards those with special needs, one must ask some questions. Is accommodation the same as love? And what is the Church’s role in loving those with disabilities? Join us for a class that will look at Scripture to correct our hearts to align with God’s heart toward humans with disabilities.
Happy Hour (Meeting Room)
Life is busy. It can be difficult to get to know other people and develop friendships, especially if you have kids! Join us and other parents/caregivers for Happy Hour! Happy Hour starts with a short devotional and the rest of the time is to connect with others in the midst of the chaos of life.
So Fresh So Clean (Student Ministry Worship Center)
So you’re a Christian now – Great! What’s next? That’s what So Fresh So Clean is all about. It’s a class for people who are new to following Jesus and are looking to figure out what this new life of faith looks like – practically speaking.
Phillips in Poland (Community Life 4) Special Class 10am
Elliott & Gabi Phillips serve with CSM to equip worship leaders and musicians to be disciple makers in the local church in Poland. Come hear about their ministry in Poland.
The Bridge (6th - 8th Grade)
Lori Jacobson is teaching a class on the Foundation of Church Life.
Nativity Sets (Community Life 2) NEW THIS WEEK!
We've all seen nativity sets around Christmas time - whether it's a classic representation of the nativity in somebody's lawn or a kid's version at a store. But who are these people, exactly? Why does God choose to declare the birth of the Messiah to a bunch of shepherds? And who or what exactly is a magi? Join us as we explore what the Bible has to say about the birth of Jesus.
Disability & The Church (Community Life 4)
In a culture that has become increasingly accommodating towards those with special needs, one must ask some questions. Is accommodation the same as love? And what is the Church’s role in loving those with disabilities? Join us for a class that will look at Scripture to correct our hearts to align with God’s heart toward humans with disabilities.
Happy Hour (Meeting Room)
Life is busy. It can be difficult to get to know other people and develop friendships, especially if you have kids! Join us and other parents/caregivers for Happy Hour! Happy Hour starts with a short devotional and the rest of the time is to connect with others in the midst of the chaos of life.
So Fresh So Clean (Student Ministry Worship Center)
So you’re a Christian now – Great! What’s next? That’s what So Fresh So Clean is all about. It’s a class for people who are new to following Jesus and are looking to figure out what this new life of faith looks like – practically speaking.
Phillips in Poland (Community Life 4) Special Class 10am
Elliott & Gabi Phillips serve with CSM to equip worship leaders and musicians to be disciple makers in the local church in Poland. Come hear about their ministry in Poland.
Sunday service is available via live stream at 8:30 & 10am.
Roku or Apple TV App: Community Church Oshkosh
If you are new to CCO, please go to to fill out the form. We would love to connect with you.
Roku or Apple TV App: Community Church Oshkosh
If you are new to CCO, please go to to fill out the form. We would love to connect with you.
Check out these pictures from last Sunday.