News & Notes

Welcome to our “News & Notes” blog!
We want to Seize this Season, making the most of this time and looking for opportunities to reflect Jesus in all that we do.  
As we work to keep you updated during this time, please subscribe to our all-church email list to receive those updates.  You can also check to stay informed.

Words from the Cross

Join us at Community Church Facebook Live Sunday, April 5th - Saturday, April 11th at 7pm. We will be remembering the Words of the Cross with a short devotional each night leading up to Easter Sunday. We will be combining this with our Seize the Season online events.
Sunday, April 5th 7:00pm
“The Word of Forgiveness” Pastor Alan will lead a devotional on Luke 23:24.

Monday, April 6th 7:00pm
“The Word of Salvation” Pastor Jason will look at Luke 23:43 and then lead a time of prayer.

Tuesday, April 7th 7:00pm
“The Word of Relationship” Ms. Wendy will discuss John 19:26 followed by story time.

Wednesday, April 8th 7:00pm
“The Word of Abandonment" Pastor Tommy will explore Matthew 15:34.

Thursday, April 9th 7:00pm
“The Word of Distress" Pastor Joe will unpack John 19:28.

Friday, April 10th 7:00pm
“The Word of Triumph" This will be our Good Friday Service led by Pastor Karl. Good Friday will include a celebration of the Lord's Supper. We encourage you to prepare for this and participate with your family. Here is a recipe for the bread typically used at Community Church.

Saturday, April 11th 7:00pm
“The Word of Reunion” Renee will discuss Luke 23:46.

Sunday, April 12th 10:45am
Easter Service Online at

General Announcements

Day of Prayer & Fasting - April 10th
God is using the Coronavirus global pandemic to move in the hearts of many and advance his church. On Good Friday, April 10, we will be joining with Converge in a day of prayer and fasting from sunrise to sundown. Sign up for a 45-50 minutes of seeking God and praying on behalf of our world.

We’re experiencing uncertain times filled with fear and anxiety. But God is still moving! As social distancing becomes the new norm, we want to provide you with content to help strengthen your relationship with God and deepen your faith during this unusual time.
Check out this video from RightNow Media and Sign up for a FREE subscription today at
If you already have an account be sure to check out our resources page at once logged in for a list of studies to check out.
If you are looking for a way to help others during this season, United Way has set up a Oshkosh COVID-19 Relief Fund.
The Oshkosh Area Community Pantry is also looking for volunteers to fill shelves.  Please contact Jordan at to get scheduled.
Aurora Medical Center Oshkosh needs help! The Incident Command team at the hospital is requesting donations of activities for patients to do while in the hospital to decrease anxiety during isolation such as books that contain crossword puzzles, sudoku and word searches, small puzzles, small games and playing cards. If you are interested in donating, email Molly Butz, Aurora Health Care Foundation Oshkosh at

As a staff, we are praying for you and are searching for ways to encourage you. We know that each person is currently at risk for COVID 19 and we pray protection over you, but we realize some are at higher risk than others.  If someone you know is a high-risk case, would you let us know so we can pray for them by name?  If you have heard of someone experiencing job loss due to the current pandemic, please let us know. You can send these names to

Community Church has a Prayer Ministry. As we receive prayer requests from our church family, these requests are shared with the Prayer Team. If you are interested in participating please email Kim at

Offering - Although we cannot meet as a whole church family, we still have ongoing financial commitments to be met.  You can give via the mobile app, through the Community Church website or mail checks to Community Church 2351 Ryf Road Oshkosh, WI 54904

Garden Sign-up is still open! Get your 2020 community garden plot at  Gardening together will be a great way to enjoy being outside together once COVID-19 has passed! In addition, the garden group is giving away FREE seeds. Please send an email to listing the type of seed packets you are looking for as well as your home address. The group will either do a contactless drop of the seeds at your home or mail them to you.


Blended & Blessed livestream is an event is coming April 25th. This event is created for stepfamily couples, single parents, dating couples with kids, and those who care about blended families. You can register today for this FREE Live Stream event at

Young Adults Ultimate Frisbee and Bonfire event May 3rd 4-9pm. Sign up today at

Hero Central

Story Time with Ms. Wendy & Ollie the Owl Tuesday at 7pm on Hero Central Facebook page.
This week story time will be combined with the Words of the Cross. Join Ms. Wendy as she shares a brief / kid friendly devotional on John 19:26 followed by story time.

We are excited to be able to share Hero Central @ home with you. This weeks video lessons & parent guides will be available on our website Sunday morning.
Please sign up for Hero Central “To-Go” Bags by Friday noon.  The bags contain an activity that pertains to the lesson of the week as well as instructions and talking points for parents, this week’s devotion, and a treat. Please sign up for one bag for each child.  Ms. Wendy will be delivering bags on Friday afternoon.


CSM LIVE! If you missed it this week, you can still check out CSM LIVE Episode 3 at
Plan to join us this Wednesday at 7pm as Pastor Tommy continues in our Words of the Cross focusing on “The Word of Abandonment" Matthew 15:34. You can join us at

Sunday, April 5th

We look forward to worshiping with you this Sunday.
Join us for Palm Sunday online at 10:45am. We will continue in our series,
Luke: a documentary, focusing on Luke 21-22.
This Sunday our theme is favorite sports team. Please post a picture of you and your family in your favorite sports apparel watching the Sunday morning service for a chance to win. Be sure to #iseeyoucc.

Here are the songs we will be singing:
Holy Spirit - Jesus Culture
Who You Say I Am - Hillsong Music
Your Presence - Community Worship
You Reign - Thankyou Music

Here is the sermon from last week: