Sunday, April 20, 2025
8:00 | 9:30 | 11 AM
  • Community Kids will be open for full programming at the 8 & 9:30am service; but will beclosed for the 11am sevice.
Services will be available online at 8:00 & 9:30am
Website: community-church.com/live
YouTube: youtube.com/communitychurch
Roku or Apple TV App - Community Church Oshkosh
Step through the doorway from darkness to light — from the shadow of Passover’s blood-stained doorframe to the cross that covers us, and the empty tomb that welcomes us. Join us this Good Friday and Easter as we remember the door God opened from death into life, and the Savior who walked through it first.


Good Friday Service

Join us for a special Good Friday Service on Friday, April 18, at 6:30pm.
Childcare will be provided for kids 0-2 ONLY.

The service will be available online at community-church.com/live.


Easter Jam is happening, Saturday, April 12, at 10am!
Join us for fun morning of worship, games, balloon animals, bounce houses and an Easter Egg Hunt for kids 12 and under. Please register on our website or app if you are planning to attend and we'll see you there.  

If you'd like to donate candy for this event donations can be brought to Community Kids now through April 6th!