Community Group Sign Up

We want to connect followers of Jesus with God and others through authentic community. A great way to connect with others and grow in Christ  is through Community Groups.

Sign up for a group today at

As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.

Proverbs 27:17

To walk with Jesus is to take daily steps to grow in your relationship with Him.  That’s not something that can be done alone.  The best way to do that at Community Church is through Community Groups; connecting with other people to do life together, developing meaningful relationships, discussing Scripture and finding accountability.

Community Groups are communities of faith bringing faith to their communities that spend time investing in three relationships: with God through study and prayer, with each other through group activities and fellowship, and with their communities to be the hands and feet of Jesus to their neighbors.

We have a wide variety of Community Groups that meet at different times and locations, but they’re all designed to help you develop significant relationships with others who can encourage and challenge you to Love your Church and Love your Community.
Women's Ministry
Tuesday 6:15pm
Thursday 9:00am
Thursday 6:30pm
Allison Mahler
Community Kids
Children's Ministry for Infant - 5th grade.  
Sunday mornings  8:30 + 10am
Wendy Lenz-Schwersenska (Nursery - PreK)
Bobbi Gumness (Elementary)
Celebrate Recovery
Find freedom from hurts, habits & hangups.
Thursday 6-8pm
Ron Paulick
Financial Peace University
Learn to beat debt & plan for the future.
Nine week session offered periodically.
Jeremiah Schwersenska
Community Student Ministry (CSM)
High School Students - Sunday 6-8 pm
Middle School Students - Wednesday 6-8 pm
Pastor Tommy Knautz
Play & Praise 
Story time, worship, & crafts for kiddos age 5 and under and their caregivers.
First Monday of each month 9:30-11:00am (Sept-May)
Wendy Lenz Schwersenska
Mission Teams
Swaziland Team - Heather Kramer
Guyana Team - Deb Houts

Community Groups
Community Church offers a wide variety of Community Groups that meet at different times and locations
View Community Groups
Community Young Adults (CYA)
Adults 18-28
Tuesdays 6:00-8:00pm
Amelia Hilbrand

MomCo  (Formerly MOPS)
First Friday of each month 9-11am (Sept - May)
Wendy Lenz Schwersenska

Would you like to serve at Community Church?
Use your unique gifts to help build the Kingdom.
Learn more about service opportunities here.

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